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Enjoy free shipping on US orders over $75 (under $75 flat rate $5.99) and $14.99 USD flat rate shipping to Canada!
Back in 2009 I stumbled on a picture of a decorated cookie and absolutely had to try making some for myself! I started practicing with whatever designs I could think up. I started with a royal icing recipe in an old cookbook and had to stumble my way through figuring out how this all worked! This was before decorated cookies were mainstream, and I quickly discovered how difficult it was to find good tools and helpful tutorials. In the early days I exacto-knifed all of my cookie shapes (or bent shapes out of strips of tin!) and hand cut my own stencils out of cardstock. In 2012 I stepped it up and started designing stencils on the computer and used a die cut machine to cut them out. Other cookie artists started asking where I was buying my tools, so in 2014 I opened up shop! Killer Zebras Bakery was the name I went by back when I sold cookies but I couldn't give up the name I loved so much, and so Killer Zebras began!
For years we've been an online-only store, but in June 2021 we are opening the doors to our storefront in Maple Valley, WA!! We're so excited to continue to grow and add more to the products you know and love!
I know this is the real reason you're on this page! The name "Killer Zebras" originated in a book called "Sunshine" by Robin McKinley. (If you haven't read any of her books I suggest you pick up "The Hero and the Crown" and thank me later.) In the book the main character, Sunshine, is a baker who makes (among other things) cookies called Killer Zebras! When asked about the name, the author says she "first met them in an old Betty Crocker cookbook under the name Harlequin Cookies."
Let's be honest here, though. When I originally chose the name I just thought it was funny! At that time I had no idea how far my cookie journey would take me. Although even if I had, I wouldn't change a thing. I truly enjoy the confused looks on people's faces when I tell them the name of my business. It was at least a few years before I could even say it with a straight face!
I'm the designer and decorator behind Killer Zebras! My name is Melanie Beth. Call me Melanie, or Beth. I've always gone by both, confusing as that may seem! I'm married to an awesome guy named Aaron (also known as Mr. Killer Zebras) who supports my cookie obsession just as long as he gets to eat some along the way! I have two handsome boys named Matthew and Miles, and a sweet daughter named Nora. We live in the Seattle area with our two adorable dogs: Bear and Penny Waffles (the latter of which can sometimes be found greeting customers at our new store!)